Open it in Notepad and write down or print out the numbers following HDDLockDisablePassword, leaving out the spaces and 00’s towards the end. The one we’re interested in just now is the HDDINFO.TXT file. Now FTP in to your XBOX and save these five files to somewhere safe on your PC. This just takes a few seconds to do and creates a folder called backup on the C:\ of your XBOX. Go to the System Utils menu and select Backup. Part 1: Getting The Unlock Key For The Original Hard Driveīoot your XBOX off the EvolutionX CDRW you made earlier, or go to the EvolutionX dash if it's already installed on your XBOX hard drive. How to put EvolutionX on a CDRW, or install it on your XBOX hard driveHow to network your XBOX so you can FTP into itHow to physically remove an XBOX hard drive.How to physically add and remove hard drives on a PC
I’ll assume you already know how a few things before we start though: